About Us
The people and the passion behind NHS DigiWell
As a team of clinical, research, innovation and software development specialists, our mission is to empower healthcare staff by efficient email management for enhanced productivity, patient care safety and staff wellbeing.​
NHS DigiWell Study Team
Where the Passion Begins
Journey to the NHS DigiWell study
NHS colleagues receive 1 email per minute during COVID-19.
Shining a Light survey, co-authored by the study team members, examined NHS digital communications volume and patterns during COVID-19.
Focus Groups with NHS staff explore email challenges and support/solutions needed. .
AirEmail Digital Tool (v1) features are conceived and designed.
AirEmail Digital Tool (v1) features are built.
Shining a Light survey published.
NHS DigiWell study approved by the Health Research Authority and adopted on the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) portfolio.
NHS DigiWell Study opens in the NHS pilot sites.